A future VPS

Imagine a community-driven not-for-profit hoster that offers services (e.g. DNS, email, ...) as well as VPS. You can for example get an overview of your account, manage your zone entries or spin up another VM with an OS of your choice - either from a typical web UI, using Gemini or via an API. The money that you pay is first used to cover our own costs (and putting aside some for hardware replacements, growth and such). What remains after that is spent on improving the BSD systems (after a vote on several fields that could use funding). If the customer picks a BSD of his or her choice, then the majority of the money from this person goes to improving that OS, otherwise it goes into the general pool.

How does that sound? You'd be able to help alternatives grow and prosper. And it would not be by donating money for a somewhat abstract benefit but supporting a good cause while receiving useful services in return.

Making money to sustain infrastructure and spend on improvements is not a short-term goal, though. What matters most is getting a solid cross-platform software stack in place as well as solving the technical and organizational challenges along the way. So right now we're investing our time and make use mostly of donated resources (thanks to all the donors!).

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(Revision: 2023-05-25)